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Comparative analysis of small towns in Bulgaria and Hungary - Theoretical framework Tovább olvasom

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Tovább olvasom

Trends in Organizational Inequality in the 21st Century



Joint Mini Conference of the Comparative Organizational Inequality Network (COIN)
and Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (KRTK)


The conference showcases the research conducted by the Comparative Inequality Network (COIN) on wage inequality trends across many countries of Europe, North America and Asia, while also featuring the contributions of researchers of KRTK in examining various aspects of income inequality in Hungary.

The presentations can also be followed online as well on the following link:


Registered participants will receive the links for online access the day before the conference.

Date: 2023.06.08., Thursday, 9:30-16:30

Venue: MTA HTK, Auditorium

Address: 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.



9:30-12:30      Morning session

9:30-10:10      Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (University of Massachusetts, Amherst):
Rising Between-Workplace Inequalities in High-Income Countries

10:10-10:50    Andrew Penner (University of California, Irvine):
Within-Job Gender Pay Inequality in 15 Countries

10:50-11:10    Coffee break (refreshments provided)

11:10-11:50    Anna Adamecz (KRTK & UCL Social Research Institute):
The Labor Market Returns to ‘First-in-family’ University Graduates – the Role of Selection to Firms

11:50-12:30    Gergő Tóth (KRTK & Umeå University):
Inequality is Rising Where Social Network Segregation Interacts with Urban Topology

12:30-13:30    Lunch break

13:30-16:30    Afternoon session

13:30-14:10    Olivier Godechot (Sciences Po, Paris):
The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in Advanced Capitalist Economies

14:10-14:50    Are Skeie Hermansen (University of Oslo & Stockholm University):
How Segregation and Within-Job Inequality Shape Immigrant Pay Gaps in Europe and North America

14:50-15:10    Coffee break (refreshments provided)

15:10-15:50    Rita Pető (KRTK):
FDI, Innovation and Within Firm Inequality: Evidence from Hungary

15:50-16:30    Csaba G. Tóth (KRTK):
The Role of Capital Incomes in the Evolution of Income Inequality in Hungary

Organizing committee:

István Boza (KRTK,, Virág Ilyés (KRTK & BCE,
Funding is provided by KRTK and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (grant no. NKSZ-18/2023).