Adamecz Anna és Szabó-Morvai Ágnes cikke megjelent a World Medical & Health Policy szakfolyóiratban

Confidence in public institutions is critical in containing the COVID-19 pandemic Anna Adamecz & Ágnes Szabó-MorvaiWorld Medical & Health Policy First published: 13 April 2023 Abstract This paper investigates the relative importance of confidence in public institutions to explain cross-country differences in the severity of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) […]
Szabó John cikke megjelent a Berliner Gazette folyóiratban

Transportation as ‘Climate Production’: Are Electric Vehicles Perpetuating the Exploitation of Labor and Nature? At the heart of ‘climate production’ is the transportation system, which in turn is centered on the passenger car. It is not surprising, then, that the much-vaunted mobility transition is dominated by competing automobile industries – one of the […]
Stabilizálhatja-e a monetáris politika az élelmiszer-inflációt?

Fertő Imre és Bareith Tibor cikke megjelent a Statisztikai Szemlében