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The Hidden Cost of Air Pollution: A Decline in Fertility Across Europe - By Ágnes Szabó-Morvai Read more

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Two Manifestations of the Middle-Income Trap in East-Central Europe - by Tamás Tibor Csontos Read more

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Regionalism vs Bilateralism in the EU-China-Africa Relations - book chapter by Erzsébet N. Rózsa, Viktor Marsai & András Bartók Read more

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Residents’ attitudes and behaviours on private green spaces in the suburban areas of Central European countries Read more

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Miklós Somai about the Brexit

In: Aleksandra Borowicz, Malgorzata Dziembala, Anna Maslon-Oracz, Ewa Latoszek (ed.): European Union and its Law, Policy and Economy: Internal and External Dimensions. CeDeWu Sp. z o.o., 1st Edition, Warsaw 2020.