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Fourth edition of the indicator system of the Hungarian public education is out


This is the fourth edition of the indicator system of the Hungarian public education developed by the Institute of Economics of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies and published with updated data every second year. The indicator system gives a detailed description of developments in the Hungarian education system. The publication is not intended to provide an analysis of these changes, but simply to present the changes descriptively and to provide access to the data behind the indicators to the readers: researchers, decisionmakers, or just laypeople who are interested in education. The basic structure of the indicator system has not been altered since its first release in 2015. As in the earlier editions, the indicators are arranged in the following four basic categories in this edition, too: (A) context; (B) input; (C) processes; and (D) output.
As in the case of the previous editions, the volume is supplemented by a  methodological publication, ‘The Technical Guide to the Public Education Indicator System 2021’, which provides a detailed description of the calculation method of each indicator and the exact source of data used for each indicator.
We should like to thank the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for his helpful letter of recommendation in support of our request for data on the indicators from various data owners.




A közoktatás indikátorrendszere 2021

Editor: Varga Júlia (KRTK KTI)
Hajdu Tamás (KRTK KTI)
Hermann Zoltán (KRTK KTI)
Horn Dániel (KRTK KTI)
Hőnich Heléna (KRTK KTI)
Varga Júlia (KRTK KTI)
Copyright © Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont,
Közgazdaság-tudományi Intézet, Budapest, 2022.


Technikai útmutató
„A közoktatás indikátorrendszere 2021”
című kiadványhoz

Editor: Varga Júlia (KRTK KTI)
Hajdu Tamás (KRTK KTI)
Hermann Zoltán (KRTK KTI)
Hőnich Heléna (KRTK KTI)
Horn Dániel (KRTK KTI)
Varga Júlia (KRTK KTI)
Copyright © Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont,
Közgazdaság-tudományi Intézet, Budapest, 2022